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Tester of our 3 weeks to Create Balance Program
Level: II / Intermediate
Length: 78 mins
This video is a tester of our 3 weeks to create balance online yoga program.
Week 3 Day 1 is working with the base chakra through food balances and hip work.
You can read more about the program and it's intentions here: https://www.createbalancewithme.com/plan-pricing .
Balance is not the result of one yoga class or two, rather a routine you set up for yourself to work towards it.
Vata Balancing Yoga Class
Level: (I) - II / Intermediate
Length: 80 mins
This class is designed to balance the vata dosha in our body.
Especially recommended on windy, dry, cold days of the year or any day when you feel overwhelmed and restless.
Expect a slower paced flow with gentle strengthening and lots of grounding.
Yoga for the Hips
Level: (I) - II/III / Intermediate-Advanced
Length: 83 mins
This sequence is designed to move you in every direction, releasing and strengthening the body with special focus on the hips.
It is especially beneficial for those who need to sit all day and crave a bit more movement.
It is challenging, but approachable.
Apologise for the crows at the start, they get more silent after few minutes :o).
Find your strength within! - Yoga for your core
Level: II-III / Intermediate
Length: 50 mins (with Shavasana)
This video invites you to find your strength, which is not just about your stomach musculature, but the balanced engagement of your whole body for better support.the length in our body. When it gets too challenging, drop into childs pose.
Gentle Wake Up Flow Yoga - To start you day well
Level: I / Beginner
Lenght: 30 mins
This sequence is designed to stretch and strengthen the body in a gentle way to make it ready for the day.
It eases out the areas which tend to tigthen up during sleep and energizes the body to kick start the day with a good spirit.
Start being more conscious of your breath!
Level: I / Beginner
Length: 30 mins
In this video I'll guide you through some basic steps, which are necessary to build up to real Pranayama practice. Learning to sit comfortably so we can be still, observing the breath and ourselves to be able to create change & letting go of our expectations so we do not feel the rush to progress.
Try & feel how big difference this short practice can make!